Title Partner
Title Partner


These terms and conditions apply to all bookings of a place(s) on all Brighton & Hove Albion Foundation (the Foundation) courses or events made by you (each a "course"). Please read these terms and conditions carefully before booking any course. Please note that, by booking a place on a course, you agree to be bound by:

  1. these Terms;
  2. all applicable Foundation and/or Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club policies communicated to you from time to time (including but not limited to any visitor policy and/or health and safety policies);
  3. Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club Limited's club charter, available here; and for events at the American Express Stadium, the Ground Regulations, available here.


To book a place on a course, you must be:
(a) Legally capable of entering into binding contracts and at least 18 years old; or
(b) A parent or guardian booking on behalf of a child.

You can book for any number of courses considering the participant meets the age requirements for those courses.

All bookings are taken on a first come first served basis and full payment is required with booking, unless otherwise stated. Once your booking is complete, a confirmation page will load on your screen informing you that you have a space on the course. This page is printable. You will receive your booking confirmation by email, please ensure you provide a valid email address when booking.

If the confirmation screen does not load or you do not receive your confirmation email, please contact us immediately to confirm that your booking has been received. If you do not receive confirmation it is unlikely that your booking has been successful so please contact us to avoid disappointment.

The Foundation reserves the right to stop accepting bookings at any time.

Information relating to a booking will not be disclosed to anyone other than the adult who has directly made the booking. Where the course is held in conjunction with a third party, for example a school, we may share information in accordance with our privacy policy.


Parents and guardians will only be permitted to enter the course venue to register their child at the start of the course and to collect their child at the end of the course. Parents may be able to stay and watch but this will be at the discretion of the Foundation and should be discussed with the course leader.


We do not issue refunds unless we cancel a course (please see Cancellations). In the event of an injury where three or more sessions are missed or going to be missed, we will issue you with a Credit Note which can be redeemed against any future the Foundation course for up to a period of 12 months. A medical certificate may be required and you will need to contact us prior to or during the course to inform us. Failure to do so may result in a Credit Note not being issued. We do not issue credit notes for sessions missed due to illness (including Covid) unless the period of absence is three or more sessions.


All courses, activities and venues are subject to change according to weather, programming and a satisfactory level of numbers. We may cancel any courses and/or change any information given, should this be necessary for any reason. If we have to cancel a course (or individual sessions within a course) we will offer an alternative course (if available and suitable), provide a session online or a refund or Credit Note equal to the value of the cancelled sessions.


You must ensure that the participant is physically fit and able to participate in the sporting activities and accordingly, you accept all risks resulting from participation in the course.

It is imperative that you inform us of any medical conditions that may affect the participant whilst attending the course. We may require additional information depending on the medical information supplied to us by you before we can accept your booking.

It is imperative that you inform us of any medication that the participant child requires during the course of a session, there are guidelines for what we will and will not be able to administer which can be found HERE. A medication consent form is required for all medication and you can download it HERE.

In the event that the participant needs medical attention during any course then, subject to any written notice (which notice we must have received prior to the commencement of the relevant course) from a parent or guardian to the contrary, you agree to us arranging for any appropriate and necessary treatment.


We treat as a priority the safety and well-being of all children attending the Foundation courses. We reserve the right to remove from a course any person who is found to be engaged in offensive activity, the bullying of others, disruptive behaviour or for any other reason where we consider a person's behaviour is detrimental to the interests or safety of the persons attending a course. If you are removed from a course for any of these reasons, you will not be refunded any fees already paid by you in connection with that course.


Except in respect of death or personal injury resulting from any negligence of the Charity, Brighton & Hove Albion Foundation nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall be responsible for (whether in tort, contract or otherwise):

  • any loss, damage or injury to any participant or to any property belonging to any participant in relation to the course, resulting from any cause whatsoever;
  • for any loss of profit, loss of use, loss of opportunity or any indirect, economic or consequential losses whatsoever; and/or
  • any losses arising from any cancellation, postponement or rearrangement of a course including but not being limited to any indirect or consequential loss or damage, loss of enjoyment or travel/accommodation costs.

We recommend you take out activity, travel and personal possessions insurance for all of our courses.

The cost of any damage caused by you or any participant you have booked on the course to any property or facilities will be passed on to you.

The Foundation will not be responsible for any items lost or left behind at any of our courses nor will the Foundation be responsible for returning any said items.


All children, young people and vulnerable adults have the right to participate, enjoy and develop through sport, in a safe and inclusive environment.

All children, young people and vulnerable adults have a right to be treated with dignity and protected from abuse, violence, neglect and exploitation regardless of their age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief.

The welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults is, and must always be, the paramount consideration.

If you have any safeguarding concerns please talk to the course leader immediately or contact the Foundation Safeguarding Manager or the Foundation Designated Safeguarding Officer. Details of which can be requested from the Foundation.


Brighton & Hove Albion FC players occasionally attend our courses. Visits are undertaken depending on their availability and are never guaranteed.


Your consent for photography and/or filming is collected during the booking progress. You can change your consent at any time by logging into your account, going to manage account and changing your preference. We will not use photography, filming or images of your child without consent.

We do not allow any cameras, telephone images, video or other filming or recording equipment on courses by anyone other than the Foundation designated photographers and accordingly neither you nor the participant may record or attempt to photograph or record (whether permanently or transiently) or transmit moving images or voices of anyone at the course.

All personal data featured in any photography and/or filming shall be processed in accordance with our privacy policy.


We will store and process any personal data you provide to us in accordance with all applicable data protection laws. To read more please see our privacy policy.

In order to comply with The General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and The Data Protection Act 2018, we take the time to review the accounts stored within our booking site, Sports Fusion.

If you don't use an account regularly, we may classify it as inactive or dormant. A dormant or inactive account is one that hasn't been used for an extended period of time (typically 3 years). This is determined by when you last logged into the account.

If your account is inactive or dormant, we will notify you that we will delete the account and any records associated with the account. This means you will no longer be able to make transactions with that account and the account cannot be restored. However, if you wish to make transactions in the future you will be able to open a new account.

If at any time you have any queries regarding your data please contact: data@bhafcfoundation.org.uk.


The Foundation seeks to give its customers the highest standard of service possible in all areas and aims to have few or no complaints about any aspects of its activity. However, where complaints do arise, the Foundation will ensure that they are resolved promptly and fairly.

The Foundation will do its utmost to resolve any dissatisfaction through managers or staff addressing any complaint or grievance at the time of the event. If this is not possible, a complaint should always be made by phone, email or letter to the relevant manager of the relevant department.

The Foundation has a full complaints policy which can be viewed here.


  1. E-vouchers must be redeemed at https://bookings.bhafcfoundation.org.uk/.
  2. E-vouchers cannot be used to pay for e-vouchers.
  3. E-vouchers have no cash redemption value and are not transferable or assignable.
  4. If the order exceeds the amount of the e-vouchers, the balance must be paid by credit or debit card.
  5. E-vouchers and unused portions of e-vouchers expire one year from the date of issue, where permissible under applicable law.
  6. All the Foundation activity booking terms and conditions apply.
  7. Only one e-voucher can be redeemed against a booking.
  8. Promotional codes are not valid against bookings using e-vouchers.
  9. No responsibility will be accepted for lost, stolen, or damaged e-vouchers and such vouchers shall not be refunded.
  10. E-vouchers can only be redeemed against the Foundation courses.


The Foundation reserves the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time and shall notify you if they materially affect your rights as a consumer.

The invalidity or partial invalidity of any provision of these terms and conditions shall not prejudice or affect the remainder of these terms and conditions, which shall continue in full force and effect. If any invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision of this agreement would be valid, enforceable and legal if some part of it were deleted, the provision shall apply with the minimum modification necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable.

Any contract formed will be between you and the Foundation. No other person shall have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely on or enforce any provisions of these Terms. Nothing in these Terms shall affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available other than as a result of the Act.

These terms and conditions are the whole agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior written or oral agreement between them and is not affected by any other promise, representation, warranty, usage, custom or course of dealing. Save where expressly stated otherwise in these terms and conditions, the parties confirm that neither have entered into these terms and conditions on the basis of any representation that is not expressly incorporated into these terms and conditions. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude liability for any fraudulent statement or act made prior to the date of this agreement.

These terms and conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales (including in relation to any non-contractual disputes or claims).


As part of our paid-for programmes we may hold Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) workshops as they are part of our EDI objectives.

Title Partner